Where can I watch Paris Hilton's new sex tape?

Dear AL:
Due to the restrictions at my fraternity, our internet access is carefully filtered to block porn. Do you know of any place online where I can watch Paris Hilton's new sex tape? I'm a huge fan of hers! It can be partially censored. I'll just use my imagination to fill in the blanks. Thanks!
-- Matt, amongst religious nuts

Yo Matt:
You're in luck! I found Paris Hilton's sex tape on YouTube. The only problem, it's extremely censored. Hope you have a good imagination. Enjoy!

KW's: huge fan, possible virgin, video


Tracy said...

Uh-oh. I think I've just been Rickrolled.

Dear AL said...


Lindsay said...

Man, this blog keeps getting better and better. Thanks, Al!

lindsay || newyorkwords.net

swmand4 said...

That's the second time time I've been rick-rolled in as many days.


Jess said...

hahahaha this is hilarious. love your sense of humor