Can't Stand FIRST Posters!

Dear Al:
What is it with people who's only interest in posting a comment is to be the first one to post it? It makes me nuts when I read these comments with just the word "First!" on popular blogs, or any blog.
Nobody cares if you're first, just stick with the subject! Second and third posters make me sick to!
-- Chuck, Canada

Dear Chuck:
Sounds like you're upset because you wasn't first. Am I right? Well guess what, you're not gona be the first commenter here either! Ba-ha!

Friends, don't let me down!


Anonymous said...


I did it! I freakin did it!

Webmiztris said...

I hate "Firsties" too! If they have nothing to say, why bother? Dorks!

ramblings said...


Hahaha Sucker's!
They aren't that bad! I get them from time to time, but most times they're just excited cuz it rarely happens.

Linda said...

I agree with Sherry!

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

lol i have to admit chucks photo is the perfect accessory to his comment. priceless indeed.

Anonymous said...

It looks like that wasn't the first punch to the mouth Chuck has gotten!!

Tracie P. said...

i think mr. ungrateful chuck should be happy that anybody is commenting at all.

Rose DesRochers said...

Chuck, your photo scares me.

I wasn't first. :(