I'm Totally Confused!

Dear Al:
I'm totally confused and i need some advice.My close friend since 7.She can actually be a great friend at times.But when she's bad; She is REALLY BAD.I don't even know whether i regard her as a friend now.She mostly gossips about people(including me)and insult them even in front of their faces.She will also be very jealous of friends that either have a new boyfriend or other etc,and she will do whatever it takes just to have one,and when she does,she will start to show it off to everyone else,but if she did not get what she wanted,she will start critisising it.This really frustrates me.She is being such a spoiled brat!

Now,I still like her as a friend,but i also hate her at the same time.I don't know whether i should tell her what bitchy things she have done .
--Confused Gurl

Dear Confused Gurl:
Has anyone ever told you that your grammar sucks? The letter I is always capitalized, there should be a space after a comma and between sentences, but not a space before the period of the last freakin sentence! Dammit!

Look, you're the second person who wrote me that you're friends with an idiot? WTF is wrong with you people? Talk to the dumbass, let her know how you feel, but if she doesn't change, dump the moron! Simple! Easy! Now go do it!

And one more thing, critisising is spelled criticizing! Ever heard of Spell Check? USE IT!

I hope this helped!


YvonneennovY said...

If you hate her attitude, just stop hanging out with her. You do have other friends right?

=P Just keep it simple

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

"The letter I is always capitalized..."

says who ! psh :P

esther said...

The criticism on her spelling was rather uncalled for, don't you think? It was quite mean and not funny at all. And using 's' in place of 'z' in some words is the British way of spelling.

Dear AL said...

Yvonne, you tell her!

Last, you can write the letter i anyway you want!

esther, you're right. Even I make mistakes every once in a while. :P

Anonymous said...

Esther, lighten up! Al was just trying to help you with your grammar! ;)

Ripple said...

Dang, Al. You skewered her. Nice...

Anonymous said...

Good one, Chuck! LOL!

Al, be nice now!

Webmiztris said...

if she wants to make her friend "mysteriously disappear", let me know. I have connections. ;)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about her grammar too.

ramblings said...

What the hell is wrong with people? Do the teachers NOT teach proper grammer anymore?
I have a niece and a friend that when they email me, they use grammer like this.....

Hey, how r u? is things gr8t. Did u get ne thing from the store?

Sometimes I have the hardest time decifering what the hell they're trying to say.
Anyways, you gave her great advice.

Anonymous said...

Al, in the second paragraph, I think "changed" should be "change."

Dear AL said...

Chuck, thanks dude! Now get back in your cave!

Paul, somebody had to do it!

Trish, be nice? Never! Dammit!

Dawn, I know some writers I would like to mysteriously disappear! So what do you say?

Rose, really I don't mine mispelled words, but when their grammar is this bad, somebody has to slam them!

Ramblings, thanks!

Anonymous, tanks four corectin my spelln', u no wha im sayn'. I was haf asleep wen i rote dat!

esther said...

Chuck, I just felt that if I were her, I'd feel quite horrid if I wrote in with a serious problem and got slammed for my grammar. I think bad grammar sucks too, but that wasn't the point! Anyway, it doesn't matter now after the last post. :)

The Stiltwalker said...

outside of the bad grammar, why the hell do people waste so much energy on irritating and emotionally draining "friends?" Get a vibrator.