Ask Me A Question!

That's right people! The moment you all been waiting for! Ask me a question in the comments below, it can be about anything! I'll post my answers sometime on Monday. Thanks for the idea, Beading!

My favorite color is forrest green, because it's so purty!

Looking forward to your questions!
Have a nice weekend!

Hey! I had to think of something since no one has written me for advice in a few days! I bet Dear Abby is behind this!
I thought she had Alzheimer's! WTF!


lastlifeinmyuniverse said...


what a rare opportunity.

okay. where in the world are you ? and dont give me half assed answers like north america. i want city, state, province, country, everything.

Monika said...

I'm asking the same question, but less detail:

What TIME ZONE are you in?

L said...

What is your daily life like?

Linda said...

What do you like to eat for breakfast?

You are welcome. :)

The Dormitory Boys said...

Have you ever given advice that you regret?

Staff said...

Have you ever thought about deleting a blogger from your blogroll because they didn't pay their respect?

Red Hot Sexy Papa said...

Do you think I should quit my job?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever knock your teeth out like mines?

Anonymous said...

What do you do for a living?