Birthday coming up, but no circle of friends

Hey AL:
I feel sorry for myself about not having a circle of friends to celebrate my birthday with. I have friends, but on an individual basis. Now my 19th birthday is coming.. and I dont know how celebrate it... or if I should...
-- No CIRCLE of friends, Australia

Dear Anonymous:
***Violin playing***

Not everyone has to party like Paris Hilton, just hangout with one of your friends. But if you're looking for your very own posse, go swimming with some dolphins.

It's better to have one good friend than a whole bunch of posers.
You're gona be ok.

Happy Birthday!

***Ending Composition***
***Breaking violin on Chuck's head***


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh ~~ im so glad about ur reply Al. Great birthday present itself !

ramblings said...


Monika said...

poor chuck, always getting smacked, kicked, etc.

dude, why don't you reserve a table at a restaurant, and invite ALL your friends. Maybe if they meet they'll all get along and you'll all be able to hang out together.

Anonymous said...

Taken the broken violin and chase Al all over the Blogosphere with it!

Anonymous said...

Al you are so sweet. I dont think ano one could have said that better. To anonymous You have a great and wonderful birthday. And many more my friend.

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

to the anonymous above me, you are so sweet. i dont think ano one could have said that better. to the anonymous who commented just before me, you have a great and wonderful day.

Ripple said...

I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Or was that the stuffing I ate last night?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I' so nice. :)