Pickled Situations

smallest dill pickleDear Al:
I'm from Paris and go to high school. Last time, i started all over again with a friend. Since i confessed his love to me, i didn't use to talk to him. But recently, he sent me text message every day even if he isn't my boyfriend. I used to be happy when i see that i receive a message but now that make me angry. I'm tired of him. Yesterday, i rejected him a little but i had mood swings and i was in a bad mood. I don't want him to be sad because he has got problems with his parents, our teachers and lots more. He isn't lucky and very shy. I'm the kind of girl who is direct and goes straight right. I dislike saying what people want to hear. I prefer being like that since that cause me problems with an ex. I like him as a friend but no more. Shall i tell him the true that he makes me suffocate ? or do like nothings happen and smile normaly ? [what i use to do, and try to forget]
I have another question since i'm here ! Is it wrong to not going out with my classmate ?
There's a guy who used to make me laught, annoy me and put his arm around my waist. I know that i'm attractive but today he shows me his penis. I don't know what to do, i just smile and don't watch. All his friends were in stitches. My friends didn't know about that, i only tell my brother about that...
Sorry i used to tell everyone i meet all my life or when i have the opportunity ^^

PS : i apologize if i made mistake. My english isn't very good, i have to improve it -_-' I do my best ! \(^o^)/ Bye
-- Anne, Paris, France

Dear Anne:
You confessed his love for you? You just couldn't wait to write him off! Poor guy!

Seriously, just tell him how he makes you feel, but don't speak for him. The man has a mouth... let him use it!

Is the guy who asked you out the same guy who showed you his pickle? Why would you want to go out with him? I suggest you ignore the guy, and his pickle. Pretend he doesn't exist! But if he continues to harass you, tell your parents, and your teachers! Mr. pickle is gona learn one way or another! I hope this helped!


lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

next time this kid or some other kid shows you his penis just to make an ass out of himself, point at it and laugh hysterically. bonus points if you yell, "omg this cant be real ! so small !!"

Dear AL said...

lastlifeinmyuniverse, we think alike! That was my original answer! No kidding!

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...


great minds...

Webmiztris said...

laughing at his little peter is excellent advice! lol!!

The Stiltwalker said...

damn Al none of your writers ever speak english. We're gonna need to give a grammar course on blogger...

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's a Ventriloquist!

As for the guy with the pickle, kick him!

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

LOL stilt

Anonymous said...

Do you not see how grand is our aim here?
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