My name is Charlie, and I'm an alcoholic.

Dear AL:
My name is Charlie, and I'm an alcoholic. I'm a 28 year old woman, who use to be a man. I'm not sure what caused me to drink, peer pressure, my sex change operation, but I've been sober for over 4 months, and I never been happier in my life.

I'm mean seriously, I don't miss drinking. I thank God everyday for Alcoholics Anonymous, because of them I'm free of this disease.
-- Charlie, Reston, Virginia

Yo Charlie:
Wrong site, dude... Wrong site.

It's obvious you're scared that you might start drinking again since you wrote me, but it sounds like you're doing great because of your desire to quit. You're gona be ok!

Technorati: Alcoholic, Alcoholics Anonymous, Boing Boing


ramblings said...

Hey there Al!!!

Hows it hanging? I really wanna know! Heehee.

P.S. If you get here Chuck....this is for you..........

Nanananananabooboo! I'm First, I'm first!!

Monika said...

um yeah dude wroooonnng site.

Don't you know that Al will crush your self-confidence with his witty retorts?

Anonymous said...

Ramblings, may you burn in hell!

Karen said...

OK, so did Charlie start drinking because he/she made a mistake? ;-)

Staff said...

Al, you're a great guy!

Chuck... ***Smack***

Webmiztris said...

I'm still trying to find the part where she's asking for your advice!!

Anonymous said...

She was just looking for love. Charlie, I think Al is straight, and taken.

b o o said...

alcohol is a BIG demon

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...
