My boyfriends mom is such a pain!

Dear AL:
Me and my boyfriend can never be left in piece. His Mom is always in our hair! She bitches about everything, the way we're dressed, us playing loud music, and my boyfriends bedroom. What is it to her that his room is a little messy? It's not like it smells or something, just a few things here and there. You understand, right?

My boyfriends mom is such a pain! No way we're gona change!
-- Chrissy, Heidelberg, Germany

Dear Chrissy:
You go with your bad selves!


Anonymous said...

That video was fuckin' hilarious!
LOVE ya blog!

Webmiztris said...


b o o said...


Vengelyne said...

I'm beginning to think that Al's actually an employee of IKEA what with all the IKEA video ads you kept posting up in yr blog. =P

Monika said...

totally TOTALLY ditto with venge, I was about to write that.

well, if her boyfriend gets his shit together and gets his own place, then he'll be free. D'ya ever stop to think that she wants him to move out? He's probably driving her nuts. Is he in his thirties?

In french it's called a Tanguy.

Dear AL said...

Vengelyne, no, I'm not an Ikea employee. I would have posted a different video, just got lucky finding this one.

Dear AL said...

Moni, I'm not an Ikea employee, dammit!

***Shaking my keyboard in anger***

So how are you?

Anonymous said...

Stilt, I take offense to that!

Anonymous said...

LOL! This post made my day!

Monika said...

I'm okay dude, long time no IM eh?

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

O SNAP LOL great video

really, is slurping on a plate of spaghetti supposed to be erotic ? psh.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell are you both living with his mom?