Online Romances?

online romances are pretty risky, but if your a risk taker, go ahead with your bad self! See you on the news!Dear Al
Do you think that online romances could work in real life? Or are they purely fantasy?
-- Sandi,

Dear Sandi
To me online romances are extremely risky! How do we know if we're not chatting with Carrot Top on the other end?

Sometimes they might reveal themselves via webcam, but this doesn't show us what's ticking in their cranium. It's so easy to tell someone what they want to hear.

Personally I think it's best to leave fantasy right where we found it, on the monitor. But if a person wants to take that risk, bring a friend along on the first date, because you might need the back-up if this guy is a weirdo.


Vengelyne said...

Al, in that case, I'm sorry to tell you that you'll have to remain as a fantasy that doesn't go beyond my grimy-finger-stained monitor. So quit asking me for my phone number and address!

Lol. Kidding.

In all seriousness, I do think online romances could work. Sure there are psychos out there, but there are also sane, lovely people who are genuine and true to finding the other half on the net. Use your instincts in this and use 'em wisely. Also be prepared for grave disappointments. Never try, never know! =D

ramblings said...

I agree, but I know of a man that married his wife after meeting her on-line. And my sister in law best-friend married a man she met online. They all are happily married too now for over 3 years. Hopefully it stays happily for them.

But I don't know that I could, and I tend to agree with you, leave the "fantasy" where it is. It's a fantasy for a reason, right?

Staff said...

Al, I would have to agree with you on this one.

Anonymous said...

At this point in my life I'll take my chances!

Congratulations, AL! Your blog was the first featured English Blog on Czechia Today, a popular Czech Republic Newspaper!

luckysevn said...

Glad to see you're back in business! I think your weirdo might be a distant cousin of the guy that works in the produce section of my grocery store...

Tracie P. said...

the plane! the plane!

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm not a wierdo! Sometimes people take me for one for some reason, but I'm telling ya I'm normal!

I think I would give an online romance a chance, then I'll surprise them in real life with my good looks!

Anonymous said...

I'm not desperate like Elena but I think meeting someone for real at a public place couldn't hurt. I also read about your blog in a Czech Republic newspaper. Al you're our Dear Abby!

Anonymous said...

If I ever go on a blind date and discover it's Carrot Top, I think I'll puke! What Marina wrote makes it sound like our paper is stealing Al's stories when it's just a good review of his blog.

Congratulations AL!

Webmiztris said...

I'd be afraid of them looking like Clay Aiken! GAH! or Donald Trump!

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

ive heard of many online relationships that have ended with "...and they lived happily ever after" but at the same time, ive heard of many that ends with "...he/she turned out to be a psycho" or "...apparently he/she has been lying to me all this time"... it works both ways and the best thing is not to take them too seriously. view it as fun nothing more, but dont invest all your feelings into it until youve met him/her and that persons story completely checks out.

Red Hot Sexy Papa said...

I read your blog everyday. I have no time to place comment except today... cos i am stealing someone's connection LOL at work!

Bad bad boy! Me!

Red Hot Sexy Papa said...
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Dear AL said...

Vengelyne, your grimy-finger-stained monitor has sealed your fate, I'll never stalk ya!

Ramblings, hopefully they all stay happily married and don't start searching online for someone else.

Sherry, I missed you to baby!

Jonathan, zip-it!

Elena, there are plenty of 60 year old guys running around in your neck of the woods so you shouldn't have a problem.

luckysevn, there's two of them! Who told Chuck to breed?!!!

Jessica, but if they're desperate like Elena, she'll use all those locations up she'll have to move to another country.

Tracie B., didn't you want to pick-up Tattoo and give him a big squeeze? Me? I just wanted to kick him!

Chuck, you have Elena drooling!

Marina, don't you ever... I mean ever compare me to Dear Abby!

Tatiana, so I guess Chuck is out of the question? The man doesn't have bright orange hair, so that has to be a plus!

Webmiztris, don't you worry, most older guys go after Czech Women.

lastlifeinmyuniverse, one of my wifes coworkers hooked up with some guy she met online while she was married, and nobody has heard a peep out of her after she moved in with the guy. Hopefully she's still alive, but not online again!

Red Hot Sexy Papa, sure... Ok, I'll let you slide this time, I've been slacking to.

Rose DesRochers said...

I apologize for the lack of commenting here. I have so much going on in my life.

As for online dating, I've been online too long and seen too much. If it works for some then I'm happy, but my suggestions are be cautious.

Fuckkit said...

Take a friend, a large quantity of pepper spray and alert the police of your whereabouts.

Y'know, just in case.

Dayngr said...

Hmmm online relationships? Well, they could be a great way to get to know someone without all the physical trappings we tend to get caught up in (and when I say we, I mean YOU). Afterall, you can't hide stupid when all you have between you is chatting. On the other hand (there are different fingers) what if everything they tell you is fabricated? You most certainly can hide crazy when all you have between you is chatting. Um, or so I hear...

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