Today we're gona learn about Balls, not mine.
Balls is an Marine Engineer from the blog
Plan B, and the last post on his blog
"seems like yesterday", wasn't written yesterday, but 3 days ago!
Like our dear President, Balls takes lots of breaks, but he'll be blogging again soon.
So be on the look out for his posted entry "Seems like yesterday that I wrote the post Seems Like Yesterday, but it wasn't"
My next subject is Eastern Butterfly.
Eastern Butterfly complains about everything under the sun, so you bet her husband has some stories to tell!
Eastern Butterfly, like Balls... No, I did not mean she likes balls, she just like the blogger Balls, who's one of my first commentors on my blog!
I wont be able to continue this course if your minds are thinking in the gutter, people!
Anyway, she just discovered that she had an anonymous visitor to her blog, but her NeoCOUNTER can't detect this persons country. I make a bet it was Balls playing around, but not with his balls! OK!
If you want to learn more about Eastern Butterfly, or Balls (The blogger, people!), go visit their blogs, and maybe you'll be my next