My name is Charlie, and I'm an alcoholic.

Dear AL:
My name is Charlie, and I'm an alcoholic. I'm a 28 year old woman, who use to be a man. I'm not sure what caused me to drink, peer pressure, my sex change operation, but I've been sober for over 4 months, and I never been happier in my life.

I'm mean seriously, I don't miss drinking. I thank God everyday for Alcoholics Anonymous, because of them I'm free of this disease.
-- Charlie, Reston, Virginia

Yo Charlie:
Wrong site, dude... Wrong site.

It's obvious you're scared that you might start drinking again since you wrote me, but it sounds like you're doing great because of your desire to quit. You're gona be ok!

Technorati: Alcoholic, Alcoholics Anonymous, Boing Boing

My boyfriends mom is such a pain!

Dear AL:
Me and my boyfriend can never be left in piece. His Mom is always in our hair! She bitches about everything, the way we're dressed, us playing loud music, and my boyfriends bedroom. What is it to her that his room is a little messy? It's not like it smells or something, just a few things here and there. You understand, right?

My boyfriends mom is such a pain! No way we're gona change!
-- Chrissy, Heidelberg, Germany

Dear Chrissy:
You go with your bad selves!

I'm throwing in the towel! Life sucks!

Dear AL:
I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I just feel like life is not worth living anymore. Everything seems to be going wrong.
My boyfriend broke up with me, my family hates me, my only friend moved away, I lost my job, and now I'm gona lose my home because I can't pay the rent! I don't want to move back home because my parents are alcoholics, and my step dad touches me!
I've have depression for a few years now, and I can't bare any of this anymore. I'm throwing in the towel! Life sucks!

Al, before I go, can you make me laugh? I haven't done that in a long time. Just please no advice.

I'm still waiting on your blog.
-- Kate, Baton Rouge, LA

Dear Kate:
I know how you feel, and I'm gona try to decribe what I went through as humorous as I possibly can. No refund if it sucks, Alright!

I was... ah... one time... um... at band camp...

Never thought I would ever be lost for words.
Kate, you ruined my groove! Rot in hell!

He Accused Me Of Leading Him On

Dear AL:
Right, in a nutshell: Why do I only attract either weirdos or chauvanistic arseholes when I'm out fer a drink, minding me own business? After an hour of singing along to the live band in the bar, me and me mate were getting ready to leave. This blokey next to us keeps blagging the lighter fer his fags. I tell him just to buy one when he gets his fags ~ and then realise he's cadgin fags of everyone else anyway, so he probably never buys his own. Anyway, he ends up chatting to me and we end up dancing and shouting along to the music, like. Oasis, as I remember. First base reached and sorted, he then says a variation on the "get yer coat, love, you've pulled" theme. I'm incensed. I ask him why a 10 min tonsil hockey match, no drinks and him blagging all me fags means I'll automatically go home wi him and sleep wi him? Excuse me, I do have standards. He accuses me of leading him on. I accuse him of being a smarmy, possible serial-killer typical pissed ex-pat businessman C-word, and tell he has a lot to learn about modern girls. I leave wi me mate, and we catch the bust back to me flat, where I steam about his arrogant assumptions fer about three days. I'm better now. But I must have 'arrogant twats try me' written on me forehead. That and 'nuts welcomed', and not in the Biblical sense, neither.

Can you tell me where I'm going wrong? Tell me it's not me, it's him. Please.
Peach and lube,
-- Soupdragon, Hong Kong,

Dear Soup:
Maybe he liked the way you called his and your friends fags, so he knew you had to be straight.

Most guys will get the wrong impression if you start talking to them first, followed by dancing, and meeting your friends... I mean fags. It's not your fault, just watch a person next time to make sure he's not an asshole before you start a conversation.

Oh yeah... On our side of the planet we don't call our friends fags, specially if they're gay. Hope this helped!

Everyone makes mistakes, even Wee Shu Min

Dear AL:
Not long ago I made the mistake of speaking my mind. I told some old guy to stop bitching, leeching off our government resources, and to basically get off his ass. Now everybody from Singapore to around the world hates my guts.

Al, I'm really a nice person. Is their anyway I can make people see that I'm not the bitch they think I am? Everyone makes mistakes!
-- Wee Shu Min, Singapore

Dear Bitch... I mean Wee Shu Min:
I read what you wrote to him on Wikipedia, genius. You're so fucked!

I also believe people should do more to help themselves, but when a person is down on their luck, you don't step on them! How can a person learn a new profession or start a business when they're dirt poor? Can you answer that sherlock?

If you want everyone to get off your back, reopen your blog and post a video apology. Your a big girl with tough words, right? Don't turn chicken shit now!

Wee Shu Min, if you didn't write me, you're still a bitch. Have a nice day!

Technorati: Wee Shu Min