Clueless About My Boyfriend's Behaviour

Dear Al:
I'm really clueless about my boyfriend's behaviour, it took him about a month to kiss me for the first time, then we "tried" to have sex a month later after that, but it didn't turn out very well, so I suggested we needed more practice together...we still haven't done it ever since, and it's been a year since we started dating!!!(that's almost 9 month without sex, in case you were doing the math)
I'm in need for a guy's opinion, doesn't he like me? then why is he still with me? how can I take him to bed (without sounding too desperate)?
I'll be waiting for your advice, so please, PLEASE, answer to my message, I do need help!
-- clueless girl, Spain

Dear Clueless:
He likes you like a buddy, that's why he's still with you. The best way to get him in the sack is to have your best friend (Chuck, whomever) sleep over, but don't take sloppy seconds!

Seriously, maybe he has a complex, or he's a closet case, unsure of his sexuality. You two have to talk, and don't take no for an answer. Don't ask him if he's gay, that's a sure deal breaker if he's not! Let him spill his guts, but if he doesn't want to talk, move along. You're wasting your time!

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How Can I Get His Attention Again?

Dear Al:
I'm crazy about a blogger, but I don't think he's crazy about me after our last chat. I said something I shouldn't have "I'll bear your babies!", but I was just kidding, kinda. Al, how can I get his attention again? Should I let him see me via webcam, even if he doesn't have his own? Should I give him my phone number like he's been asking? I really don't want to loose him, we've been chatting online for two months!
-- Nicole, Louisiana

Dear Nicole:
Mr. wonderful is playing ya! The reason why he's giving you the cold shoulder is to trick you into giving into his demands. This guy could be a nut looking to try out his new knife set, soil some oats, or copy your image via webcam to post on his alternate blog "Girl's I've Tricked Into Giving Me Their Phone Numbers, And Webcamming Before"

Ignore him! life is too short to be playing games with your life!

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Getting Married In 20 Minutes!

Dear Al:
In about 20 minutes I'm getting married, but I'm so nerves! Nobody from my family is gona be at our wedding since my fiancee told them not to come, but that's because she said that her parents didn't have enough money for the party afterwards since they already arranged it for 500 of her family. Everything is going according to my future bride's plans, and the suit she brought for me looks great, but something doesn't feel right! I don't want to be nerves at the alter of our wedding, she'll kill me!

Al, I would really appreciate some last minute advice, but please make it short! Thanks!
-- Dominic, El Paso, Texas

Dear Dominic:

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Tell Me Pope Benedict's Life Is Happening!

Dear Al:
I'm obsessed with Pope Benedict XVI!
Since Benedict became Pope, I've researched everything about him, from his glory days as a Brown Shirt, up until his Popeness. What's troubling me is I think he's bored, since he's surrounded by other boring people, probably counting the cracks on his walls!

Al, please tell me that Pope Benedict's life is happening! I hate to think of his Holiness bored out of his mind!
-- Joe Schmo, Kansas City

Dear Joe:
No way is Pope Benedict's life boring, he's a free wheeling dude!
Besides traveling all over the world, and reading his latest favorite "The Da Vinci Code", he has a personal library of DVD movies to choose from!

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Can U Suggest Some Cool Summer Jobs?

dearest al:
as a first year uni student with friday and weeknds off, can u suggest some cool jobs for me to get soem cash? im probably majoring accounting, but only experienced in bakery shop. what should i work as?!
so many to choose frm! soemthing fun for 18yr old me? or career-wise? =i
laborous, un-career relevant but easier to get jobs like...brand takeaways? checkout chic? or hava crack at database enrty, market call-surveying -_- (frustating)

hope u find me a job thats not min. wage, meets ppl =) and not daggy.
-- Anonymous

Dear Anonymous:
At first I was gona recommend some customer service positions, but then I remembered that almost all are outsourced to India. Don't you hate that?

In fields like retail and hospitality, employers are often very interested in hiring teens. There are alot of great outdoor jobs like working at a park, beach, or summer camp. How about a job at a hospital, zoo, or at a museum? You could also tutor English over the weekends! How cool is that?

Let your friends, family, teachers know that you're looking for a job.
You might find a weekend or summer job this way through referrals. For more info about finding a job check out "Teen Jobs" and "Teen Job Search Tips" at I hope this helped! Good luck!